Your handmade Ocarina
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浅間笛と千曲笛 Name:笛吹老人 Date:2007/12/06(Thu) 00:27 No.208   HomePage


Re: 浅間笛と千曲笛 yuka - 2021/01/16(Sat) 04:49 No.214  


無題 Name:Booon Date:2010/01/30(Sat) 20:19 No.213  


ふしぎな Name:don Date:2010/01/25(Mon) 10:01 No.210  

これは表  いわゆるトーンホールは表と裏にそれぞれひとつづつ

Re: ふしぎな don - 2010/01/25(Mon) 10:03 No.212  


My first successful ocarina Name:Sean Date:2007/11/24(Sat) 06:11 No.207  

It's not a picture of perfection, but I tried. I tried to make a 12 hole. I wanted to make it like Ogawa Kenji, but I ended up with something unique. It's tuned in F, more or less, and can play Do to Do. With some difficulty, though. Needs a lot of air. One word for this site: サイコ!! Sorry if my japanese sucks, but I wanted to say "saiko".

Handmade instrument... Name:kTp Date:2007/06/10(Sun) 09:25 No.198   HomePage

I'm not sure if this can be called a true Ocarina. It does play Do Re Mi Fa So La and almost Ti, however it is my first creation and done with very limited tools (made it with modeling clay, a utility knife, and a toothpick and drill bits for the holes). It is the sweet potato shape, and does play the proper notes, can I call this an ocarina?

Kate Phillips (16)

Re: Handmade instrument... Keith - 2007/08/05(Sun) 15:58 No.201  

That's wonderful looking.

Is the modeling clay you're talking about able to be fired? When I first experimented with making ocarinas I only used the non-fireable kind (which melts in heat).

I have since bought 8lbs (3.22kg) of clay that I can fire in my kitchen oven, =D
My very first ocarina attempt with it is drying right now, and will be fired tomorrow at noon, or later.
When it is completed I will post pictures.

Also, how are you getting the sweet potato shape? I'm best at making the 'lump' shape or 'fat tortilla' shape with a small mouthpiece or no mouthpiece at all. Each time I attempt the sweet potato shape I get a badly tuned ocarina. I have only been able to get a well-tuned one once, and it was non-fireable so I recycled it for more material. Contact me.

無題 Name:pierre lyons Date:2007/05/05(Sat) 06:26 No.188  

although it isn't fired or glazed yet, here is a picture of the first ocarina I made. The sound was good then bad then okay when I adjusted the sound hole... hopefully it will improve after firing. Finding someone willing to fire it has been the toughest part...

Re: 無題 ken - 2007/05/15(Tue) 07:15 No.190  

It is your first work.
If a sound came out, that means that you should memorialize it.

Re: 無題 pierre lyons - 2007/07/17(Tue) 12:17 No.199  

well I got it fired and just got it back 2 days ago. The sound luckily improved and I can get all but the highest note. The sound is full of pathos... probably reflecting the tears and sweat that went into making it.

OCARINA Name:chen Date:2006/10/02(Mon) 12:17 No.163  


Re: OCARINA ken - 2006/10/02(Mon) 18:40 No.165  

I think that your Ocarina progressed compared with before.
The work of the man of Taiwan has very beautiful finish.
It is pleasure what kind of sound or to hear it.

Re: OCARINA CHEN - 2006/10/02(Mon) 21:44 No.166   HomePage


Re: OCARINA CHEN - 2007/05/28(Mon) 23:29 No.196  


無題 Name:CHEN Date:2007/05/28(Mon) 22:03 No.195  


Thank you for sharing your oca... Name:Christine Date:2007/03/13(Tue) 03:36 No.176  
I currently own two ocarinas that were given to me as gifts from Taiwan. I've been learning how to play them on my own, and I found your site while searching for new music to play. Even though I didn't make my own ocarinas, they are still precious to me. In fact, as I've been learning more about ocarinas, I've realized that my favorite one is truly unique! Most ocarinas I've found online have 4, 6, 10, or 12 holes. But mine has 9!

Anyway, after reading the information on your site, I feel more inspired to make my own in search of that "special sound." I hope I'll be able to create a true musical instrument and not a useless toy.

Re: Thank you for sharing your... ken - 2007/03/19(Mon) 07:01 No.178  

Even if halls of ocarina are different, a principle is the same.
In addition, I hear a sound of a heart of a person playing any kind of Ocarina.
You who wanted to make such Ocarina will be a wonderful person.
Let's enjoy Ocarina together.

i want to know Name:mako Date:2007/02/14(Wed) 22:20 No.173  


i will buy the ocarina 12th
but in this site i just have the fingerings to 10th

please if anyone has the right fingerings to me
send me


holes ken - 2007/03/10(Sat) 07:52 No.175  

Please understand a principle of Ocarina. Most of 12holes is the same as 10holes of Ocarina.
However, Ocarina of 6holes becomes another fin moth ring from 4holes.

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