Hi Ocarina Man! Have you got any 10-hole Ocarina tabs?(Preferlby Zelda one's) Thanks alot! Jack M | ||
Hi! Jack M Because a principle of Ocarina is the same, please refer to Fingerings for Ocarina. |
よがり笛2の配信 いつもありがとうございます。 記帳所 改めて覗いてみましたがココはドコ!? ココは日本よ!と可笑しな闘争心で書き込みを・・・(笑) 振り返れば 「お」に出会って既に7年目に突入です。 「お」才能を未だに使いこなせないままではありますが 私なりの「お」楽しみタイムを持てた事に心から感謝しています。 これからもナマケモノをお見捨てなきようよろしくお願いしま〜す。 | ||
「お」カリーナに感染して7年ですか・・。 もうそんなに成るんですね!! ますます重症で楽しまれる事を望みます! はは |
I want to learn to make clay whistles in many different shapes. currently I only make round styles, and many have poor sound. I understand it will take time to prefect this process, and with your help I will succed... | ||
It is easy to make ocarina. But it is difficult to make it as a musical instrument. I am a pleasure whether you are troubled at a position. |
Thank you! They are delicious. I've never thought that such music could be played on ocarina. Go further! Gabriele | ||
Hello Gabriele. Thank you for enjoying my Ocarina music. |
Really celestial music! I have never heard the sound of an ocarina before, even if I lived for some time really close to Budrio, in Italy, where there are excellent ocarina craftmen. Shame on me! :P So, thanks for sharing, it inspired me the best feelings : ) | ||
Thank you for comment! You like my Ocarina and the music and are glad. |
Well, this isnt a question really, its just a thanks. I`m a tin whistle player from argentina, with the personal challenge of mastering every wind instrument in existence. This time the simplicity and yet potential of the ocarina made me think it was worth learning how to make my owns. Here you can only get the turtle shaped ones, and its really unusual to get one, but the materials for making them are really at hand, and one can make one without spending more than 25 yens (its a different coin here, but thats the equal). Since its very late at this time (nearly 30 past midnight) i cant go to buy the materials, but tomorrow i`ll be making one. The instructions are easy to follow for a beginner, and its the point of view with enough freedom a person would like to enable the necesary personal search. I think the freedom its the most atractive thing of the ocarina, when learning one thinks that the fingering charts are essential, but when you´ve been playing others instruments, you´ll only want to play by hearth, because there is where music lies. Soon i´ll be sending you the photos of the models i`ll be making. | ||
Ocarina exceeds a race and an area from the ancient times and changes a heart of a person. However, I made it with oneself because there was dissatisfaction in Ocarina which existed. You will be the method how it is good to purchase it if I find good Ocarina most. I think that it is answered a demand of one's music if I make superior Ocarina functionally. I want to support your challenge. |
I bought a ocarina with 7 on top and one on the bottom but i cant find music help! | ||
Was the fingering chart attached to Ocarina which you purchased? When there is not it, some sounds of top and bottom will not come out. The Ocarina becomes ranges from "do" to "re" in an octave. You can use a fingering chart of this site. |
Hello. I just bought an Ocarina like the one on Zelda. It has 7 holes on top and 2 on the bottom. The tabs I'm finding online for Zelda music only has 4 holes. Can I still play it? | ||
Hello. I am assigned to Zelda and do not know it at all. However, it welcomes you that the people who are interested in Ocarina increase. Even Ocarina of any kind of kind makes a good sound. But there will be a limit in a kind of the music that it can play. |
Hi, I`m Roberto, Call Me Ronnie, I Have A Ocarina, Well I Made It, So Is Not Perfect, But It Souns, I Have Painted It With A Color Blue, Like The Ocarina Of Time, I Enjoy Playing Ocarina, I´m Not So Good, But I Enjoy It! | ||
Hi, Ronnie Thank you for comment. Are you happy by the making of Ocarina? When you paint Ocarina in a color, does not a sound change? Please test it. |
I am ten years old I like your site I like Zelda music and the Ocarina Ihave a plastic Ocarina but it does not work well. I am almost able to play Zeldas lullaby but it is to high pitched | ||
Hi! MacKAY Will it play Ocarina with a computer in Zelda? It seems to be very interesting! Please try even genuine Ocarina. |