I have another question. Do you know where I could find a round ocarina with 4 holes? and have you ever made one like that? bye bye !! arigato mimi | ||
Where was it found? It is an interesting question. Since form and an ornament change with areas, it may be possible. However, since I am not looking at it, I do not understand. Ocarinas various, of course have been made. |
The music play by the ocarina is really nice? Does the music just by ONE ocarina, are there any other musical instrutment play with it, or has the music added with some special effect? Really nice and and peaceful. I like them. | ||
Thank you for a comment. I think that all answers are in my performance since a performance is the actual proof of work of Ocarina. I am fortunate, if you can listen to a performance and can feel music. |
This site is really good!! I have learned a lot of things :D Ocarina's are so beautiful. the sound as well. You make lovely ones !! I am 17 now and still looking for the right ocarina for me. I was thinking about one with 4 holes because one with 8 holes sounds difficult to play. is this true? I have tried to make my own ocarina but I failed :( I used the wrong materials so it was logic that I would fail haha. As I said before I have not found an ocarina yet. Maybe you could tell me what a good one (for a beginner like me) is? arigato !! mimi | ||
Making Ocarina is making your music. The thing suitable for the music which you want to express should be made. But much time may be necessity. Shortening of that time is just performed to this site. Unless good Ocarina performs, it is not understood. |
I recently bought an ocarina (a very fine Zelda replica), and have enjoyed it very much. After playing it, I wished to try my hand at making one for myself. Thanks for making this site to show the basics! -Greg from Florida :) | ||
I expect and wait. Because, you will be impressed by the sound of Ocarina which you made! Then, please come here again and tell me the comment. |
今年こそ頑張ります | ||
新年あけましておめでとうございます! 「お」友達の会の「よがり笛2」が配信不能で 退会扱いに成っています。 ご希望の場合は、ご面倒ですが再度お申し込みを・・。 |
i resently made my own ocarina. its not quite as good as yours ofcourse, but i am happy with the way it turned out. unfortunately i havent had much time to learn how to play it, but i was wondering if it is common for beginners to run out of breath, because that seems to be a flaw in performance that i am unable to over come as of now. i was wondering if you had any suggestions of over coming this bad habbit. P.S. i cant get over the absolutely, perfect tone quality your ocarinas. produce.im probably gonna save up and buy a bass ocarina when i get enough money. please keep up the good work! your an insparation to me. | ||
If it sees by access record, is it from United States? Thank you for a comment. I want to see very much OCARINA which you made. Please contribute your opinion and a work. Your handmade Ocarina http://www.fl-oca.com/oca/oca.cgi Ocarina BBS http://www.fl-oca.com/ebbs/joyful.cgi The amount of consumption of a breath is related also to the design of OCARINA. Of course, although it is related also to the performance method, when there is a physical problem, there is hardly. |
小川さん、初めまして。 「ストラディバリウス」で検索したら出てきました。爆笑でした!。(^^ 私も笛は好きで、私の目の前にはフルート、横にはオカリナが鎮座しています。 他に、笛子、篠笛、自作塩ビ管笛などが転がっています。 ページが豊富なので、これからじっくりと拝見させて頂きます。 まずは、ご挨拶まで。 | ||
ようこそ! 面白がって頂いていい加減な作者としては大変うれしく光栄に思います。 銀の頭部管に穴を開けたのはカズーと同様の原理の中国の笛を模した物でしょうね。 あの穴の位置と大きさではすべての音に共鳴するのは難しいのではと考えています。 私の持っているフルートの頭部管には穴が二つ開けてあり、Kフルート工房と 特許庁に共同出願した事も有ります。 悪趣味が合いそうですね・・あはは |
hey i am 16 and am interested in playing this insterment i got a plastic one form japan two years ago and i have lost the notes on how to play it and sicne than i have become more and more interest and was hoping you will be able to help me find out the notes my ocarina has 8 holes and i think it is called a sweet patato ocarina i have also become a fan of your music and i am interested in how to play it. so thank you for you time and i hope to be play your music in front of a camp fire to all my mates | ||
Ocarina of a plastic is good for performing out in the fields. It may differ from this site finger ring chart for a while. However, after it is fundamentally the same, please make it reference. A pleasant Ocarina life! |
Thank you for the wonderful photos and recording. Most especially I thank you for being dedicated to creating wonderful instruments and being willing to share how to make and play them. | ||
Your comment gives me joy! I wish that many people can get the joy which performs and makes Ocarina purely. Let's enjoy Ocarina together. |
ヘルムホルツ共振(スピーカーのバスレフ)の原理で周波数が決まるのではないですか?容量が コンデンサーで穴がインダクタンスとして働き、共鳴します。スピーカーでは箱の容積と穴(ポ ート)で共鳴させ、低音をよく出すようにします。私はトランペットとベースを楽しんでいます が、ふっと目に付いたものですから。 | ||
音響学の分野でヘルムホルツは有名ですね。 オカリーナの原理は正式には全部解明されて居ないようです。 ぜひ詳しい解説をひらたい言葉でして下さい。 そして実際に楽器の演奏に応用できると良いですね。 トランペットにもね。 |