i gave up on making them, i made 3 all together and none of them worked , :-( sarry!but your site helped me all out!thanxs!i ended up making an instrument called "panpipes" | ||
There are many processes in making Ocarina. Please work to each work at the time suitable for work. It is referred to as getting used to clay. It seems that it will blow in many cases too much if sound appears in it. Probably, it was pleasant. |
I understand if it was that type of clay, ut this type has to be baked in a kitchen oven! | ||
The grade of calcination is judged to the sound which struck Ocarina by the nail. Calcination temperature can be judged with the sound. Of course, the difference based on a clayey kind exists in the sound. I am looking forward to your work. |
Hi!it's me again. i made a 4-hole "ocarina" of my own. i used terra cotta clay and drilled in the holes after it had hardened. It played for a bit(not very well) but then it lost it's sound, what do i do? or what DID i do? Also, how wde do the holes in a four hole ocarina have to be? | ||
I imagine that you are fighting with clay. It is delightful for me. Now, if clay is not calcinated, it is still clay. The clay which is not calcinated will melt. Therefore, please shorten time to blow in order to decide the size of a tone hole. But you blow and decide the size of a hole. Have you understood now? |
I have been making Ocarinas for some time now, and have found that this site is truly informative. I cannot thank you enough for placing such good information on this site. | ||
Thank you for the comment from Canada. I think that making Ocarina makes sound. After I make this site, it feels that the pleasure has spread in the world. Did "Your handmade Ocarina" of this site have a look? I want to see your Ocarina there.It is my pleasure to see Ocarina which you made. (Your sentence is somewhat difficult ?! -- for me. And probably, my sentence will be difficult. --for you ---hahaha) |
ずっと前にバスCオカリナをいただきたいと、ラブコールさせていただきました。 ごぶさたしてごめんなさい。 少し小川先生のページで勉強させてください。 | ||
覚えていますよ。 その後いかがお過ごしでしたか? 「こがねいも」さんでは思いつきませんでしたが・・・バス管・・で、はは ご自由にご利用ください。疑問な点は「Q&A」または「楽書き帳」・・・ 個人的なことはメールでも結構ですよ。 |
「TOY BOX FOR OCARINA NO.1」本日届きました。 たくさん聴いてたくさん練習したいと思います。 ありがとうございました。 | ||
珊瑚 さま CDお買い上げ有難う御座います。 今までオカリーナで演奏されなかった曲を入れて有ります。 と言っても、最近、色んな場所で演奏されている曲も有る様ですが・・。 「お」友達の会 のエリアに楽譜が御座います。 合わせてお楽しみください。 |
well, sculpey clay is a type of baking clay that you can bake in a kitchen oven to harden, "aply" was misspelled and i was meaning to type "play", my toy "ocarina" is not worth being on this site!it does not play a note!would i be able to purchase ceramic art clay in a craft store? | ||
The kind of clay is sold also to Japan. I also regard making Ocarina from sculpey clay as your pleasure. You will feel happiness only by sound coming out at first. And you want to come to take out further much sound.The next is in a better sound .. The pleasure which makes Ocarina develops into the appearance. To this site, many people are enjoying themselves. You also regard the Internet as the ability of clay to be purchased. Please search. Ocarina which you made prays growing into a fantastic sound!! |
I was just wondering, can you use any type of clay such as sculpey clay or does it have to be pottery clay, i have tried to make one out of sculpey clay but it does not aply any note, please respond to my e-mail address as soon as possible, thank you | ||
Is Ocarina made? It is wonderful! Please show the made work by "Your handmade Ocarina." http://www2.tomato.ne.jp/~ken/oca/oca.cgi Now, I do not understand the meaning of "sculpey clay" and "aply." But the material of Ocarina is not cared about anything. Please be possible and make. It will be surprised at the difference in the tone by material. The material of my Ocarina is ceramic art clay. |
hey i like this site l love ocarina`s but i dont haf one were can i get one? i realy want to learn japans i come from the nederlands | ||
Welcome!! I think it possible to get Ocarina in the Netherlands. Japanese-made Ocarina is about 30000 yen from 8000 yen. It will be 8000 of about 59 euros, since 1 euro is 136 yen grade. Please ask a big musical instrument store. |
このHPは時々寄せさせて頂いています。HPを読むとオカリナが吹きたくなって・・・ 今まで 吹き続けられているのも、このHPあっての事かもしれません。ところで、今会員申し込みをエン トリーしようとしているのですが、何故かエラーで発信できません。「落書き帖」に記入してか らじゃないとだめなんでしょうかね〜 今年は、少し長めの曲をじっくりと練習したいと考えております。もしどなたか良い曲を推薦頂 ければうれしいです。 見落としているかもしれないダメなChild pigより | ||
いやー嬉しいですね! 「このHPを読むとオカリナが吹きたくなって・・」 これは、本当に嬉しいです。 かなり耳が痛い事も書いていますが、それをどう捕らえるかなのでしょう。 もし、私がこのページを読んだら、「生意気なヤツだなぁ」なんて思うかも・・。 また、オカリーナを教えている者として耳が痛いことも一杯書いてあるので、 反発するかもしれません・・・・・あははは。 「お」友達の会にどうしてもアクセスできない時は メールで同じ内容を書いて送ってください。手続きをいたします。 練習する曲を推薦するためには貴方がどれぐらい吹けるのか知らないので なかなか難しいですが、「お」友達の会に入会なさったら楽譜が手に入ります。 それを練習してみて下さい。 |