[1141] MS 投稿者: [Australia] 投稿日:2008/04/26(Sat) 20:06
Thank you for the wonderful website. I am an artist and at the moment I am working on making musical instruments. The ocarina is a lovely instrument so I hope I will do ok with my attempt. The music is nice to listen to while I look through your website. Very calming.
[1140] 無題 投稿者: [United States of America] 投稿日:2008/04/04(Fri) 12:16
I bought an 8 hole ocarina about 1 year ago. Thank you so much for this site! I have learned so much!
[1138] Wow! 投稿者: [United States of America] 投稿日:2007/12/12(Wed) 14:49
I never knew how big the community was for such a small instrument. I play clarinet, and was doing research on its history, and stumbled upon this site! I grabbed some of my clay (I always have) and tried your tutorials out.
[1135] My Ocarina is hoarse 投稿者: [United States of America] 投稿日:2007/11/10(Sat) 14:32
Hello, my ocarina keeps getting hoarse and\or plugged up every few miutes I have to clean it out or blow into the holes or even blow real sharply into it. Did I break it what should I do and what could be causing it?
[1134] 無題 投稿者:Rembrant [United States of America] 投稿日:2007/11/08(Thu) 09:07
Hello I come from America. I play 2 different ocarinas.
I have a 9 hole ocarina (tenor), A 6 hole ocarina (bass), and I'm getting an 11-hole ocarina soon (tenor)
I really love your style Mr. Ogawa and I idolize your ocarina playing.
[1133] 無題 投稿者: [United States of America] 投稿日:2007/10/15(Mon) 00:53
Mr Ogawa these are absolutely beautiful. I play a 4 hole (soprano) and a 6 hole (alto) and desperately want to play a 10 hole. I have fallen in love with yours and am interested in obtaining one. I don't know if you sell them or not, but I would be honored to own one of yours if it is possible. I also made one like your instructions. Your instructions are very easy and presice. After a few tries I made a playable one. Thank you for that. Please let me know about purchasing Trish Evans
[1132] Sculpy ocarina 投稿者: [United States of America] 投稿日:2007/09/10(Mon) 14:35
I was reading and a few pages back a subject of Sculpy ocarinas was brought up, I found a link that may interest people so... here it is. http://www.enasco.com/Static.do?page=ac_lesson#claywhistles