![]() | Hello again Ogawa san, arigato gozaimasu - what you say is true. I will play an ocarina every day from now on. The tortoise is my favourite one - it makes deep warm music, even if I get a little dizzy! Mikey | |
![]() | It is wonderful! Did it know? ocarina of the form of a tortoise is the historical oldest thing. It exists in the remains of Mayan civilization. Here is the photograph. It is the page which carried out the automatic translation of the Japanese page. Please have a look. http://www.excite.co.jp/world/url/body?wb_url=http%3A%2F%2Fvillage.infoweb.ne.jp%2F%7Eflute%2Fop%2Fnituite.htm&wb_lp=JAEN&wb_dis=2 |
![]() | Hi, I've been enjoying your site. I have 4 ocarinas - a tortoise, a dove and a tiny owl, and a Thai one made out of a little vegetable. They sound very nice with my other instrument, a Venezuelan cuatro. I don't play classical music, but I make up parts for my own songs, which are very simple. I was amazed to hear Mozart on an ocarina - I think I underestimated this sweet instrument! Greetings to all ocarinistas, even basic ones like me! Mikey | |
![]() | Welcome!! mikey! Thank you for a comment. I also have many ocarinas. They have gathered, while not knowing. There is wonderful power in a breath. If a breath is blown into the simple musical instrument ocarina, something will occur. It is over the musical genre. How do you feel? |
![]() | Your web site is great fun. I play the ocarina (and other instruments). All my oracrinas are made of clay. I have five, all with different tones. One of them is a double ocarnia - sounding two notes at the same time. Your playing is more flexible than mine - very good. Thank you for your site. Ian | |
![]() | Welcome!! You have yourself enjoyed by my website, and it is honorable. What kind of music do you enjoy? There is also a file of a score or a performance in this site. Please try to explore the inside of a site. |
![]() | Hello! I like ocarinas and ocarina music very much. I own an ocarina and so the next step is to make one myself. I like your tutorial but I cannot view the pictures. What can I do to view them? --Ray | |
![]() | Welcome!! Let's enjoy an ocarina life together. Now, the form of the file of the photograph currently used by this website is jpg. It displays in an ordinary environment. Please try again. /// Thank you for a report. It was impossible to use the used file place. Therefore, it was my mistake. URL of a file was changed, It gets used to looking! http://village.infoweb.ne.jp/~flute/egm.htm |
![]() | オカリーナに出会って7年ぐらいです.管理人さんの仰る通り、大変奥が深いです 今だに人の前では吹けません.私はとても頑固に、オカリーナは歌う様に吹くものだと思って おり、そんなに簡単ではないと思います この度、ご縁があってCDを申し込みました.とても楽しみにしております 宜しくお願いします | |
![]() | ようこそ! みつ子ママ さん!! CDをご注文頂いたのですね。 有難う御座います!! 「おもちゃ箱」に楽譜が全部有ります。それにマイナスワン(カラオケ)が入っていますから。 それで演奏する事が出来ます。 意外な事に伴奏だけ聞くのもなかなか良いものですよ。あははは・・・。 お聞きに成ったら 「楽書き帳」に感想でも頂ければ大変嬉しいです。 もちろん、関係の無い話も大歓迎・・・つまりなんでも歓迎です。 |
![]() | Hi! I'm 11 years old and i love music (Piano, Guitar and Ocarina), and i also love Zelda no Densetsu: ocarina of Time! S, i have a quetsion: I don't know much about ocarina (only that i want make a Sweet Patato Ocarina or a Songbird Ocarina), and that ocarin tutorial isn't really clear to me so can you help me a bit? Can you tell me where all the holes and stuff are at the Sweet Patato or Songbird ocarina? In that tutorial you get a different ocarina then in zelda! thnx allready! | |
![]() | Hi.Peter Welcome!! I do not know Zelda. However, it was heard that blue ocarina appeared there. It cannot make, unless it can perform real ocarina. You have the necessity of studying many things, before making ocarina. But if it is an easy whistle, even now, it can do. Please try. |
![]() | Hi! I´m 18 years old and I want very much to play an ocarina. Wow! I never thougt that I would be so interested in ocarinas. I´d love to have one!!! But.. I´m in Brazil... I searched here, but I didn´t find any site about it... please, would you help me finding a way to get my own ocarina? I´m crazy to have one!! I liked specialy that light one (of the photo that shows 3 non baked ocarinas). Wow, I loved very much that one! I can play piano a little, I play it about 3 years. I also play flute, but that simple one, that have 8 holes. I learned a little with my uncle and I also had classes, but I stopped for many years. about a weak ago I started playing because I don´t have an ocarina. I like playing flute much more than piano, I got a BIG interest in playing it. I liked not only the kind of instrument and the sound, I liked that organic form too, this instrument is the most wonderful of all! PLEASE! I want to have one! I´d love to have one! I must have one! :) Thank you! I´d love to buy one made by yourself! All that I´m thinking is ocarina ocarina and ocarina, they doesn´t get out of my mind!!! | |
![]() | Welcome!! I can understand your idea very well. It is glad that my site is helpful to you. Let's support so that you who love music may find great ocarina. First, it is hearing the sound currently performed by the ocarina. The ocarina is the best if the sound catches your heart. Please hear and see to many sites of Web. |
![]() | I'm only a french 15 years boy, but visiting your site gave me greate pleasure and since I went here I want to own an Ocarina! (Usually my favorite music is hard rock but I found in this site something best!) I think I'm not enough good and I havn't the right tools to make my own ocarina, and I wonder where I can buy a good one... Thanks for this great site I will come back soon! | |
![]() | Welcome!! My music of a classic is a speciality. But a lock and jazz were also heard when I was also young. I feel that it is different from them for the sound of ocarina. Does it resonate to the natural heart which man has? Mr. Hero is in No868. He is a French. He has ocarina which I made. If the talk is heard, how is it? mailto:mgz-hero@wanadoo.fr |
![]() | I have wanted to make an ocarina since the age of fourteen, and I am now eighteen. Your tutorial helped me make a great ocarina. Do you have any tips on how to make the sound hole? I used my fingers and a little scraping tool to make the sound hole, but that doesn't seem to be the best way. How do you make a sound hole that produces the best sound? | |
![]() | Welcome!! I think it really pleasant to make ocarina. As for me, I am happy that a young person like you does it. Now, ... A tone hole (sound hole) is processed by punch. We are calling it "ponsu." A photograph is in the 4th sheet here. http://village.infoweb.ne.jp/~flute/egm.htm I do not know whether the United States has the same thing as this. However, there is a well alike tool. It is the cork bowler who uses it for chemistry at an experiment. We can buy it for about 13 dollars in Japan. If a work is made, please contribute a photograph here. It expects! http://www2.tomato.ne.jp/~ken/oca/oca.cgi |
![]() | Thanks for putting up this site! I can make an Ocarina now! Well, its not as good as a store bought one, but I'm getting better. I can still feel the satisfaction of the first real sound it made. Thanks for putting up this site! | |
![]() | Which is a country? Did it begin to make recently? When sound comes out first, I think that it was glad. Please announce the work and sound by all means. I am waiting. http://www2.tomato.ne.jp/~ken/oca/oca.cgi |